Tips for Moving With Kids – Atlanta, GA

Young couple sitting on couch unpacking boxes with son inside the living room of their new homeMoving is a stressful experience, but it can be even more complicated if you are moving with kids. When moving your family to a new home, children may be stressed out if they don’t understand the steps involved (or the reasons behind) the transition. Bulldog Movers has some tips to make your move as smooth and stress-free as possible when moving with kids.

Explain the Moving Process

When moving with kids, it’s essential to prepare them and help ease their anxiety. Sit down with your child and explain why moving is a beneficial choice for your family, whether that’s for a new job, a better location, or more opportunities for them to grow.

For young children, reassure them you’ll bring all their belongings. If you have teenagers, listen to their concerns and ask how they feel about the move. Make sure your child understands that you’ll be there to support them during the transition.

Include Them in the Process

It’s also important to make your child feel involved in the moving process. You can help younger children pack their own belongings to provide a sense of control or give them tasks like taping up boxes. You can give teenagers tasks such as picking up moving materials or helping clean your home.

You can also take your child to their new neighborhood to familiarize them with where they’ll be living. If possible, show them shops, parks, and other areas of interest they might enjoy. This may relieve some of their anxiety and help make the move seem more exciting and fun.

Ensure Everything Is in Order

To make your move as easy as possible for your family, ensure that everything is planned and ready to go on your moving day. Create a checklist of things you must complete before the move. This may include tasks such as canceling utilities, making sure you have keys ready, forwarding mail, and confirming that your moving company will arrive on your moving day. Delays or hiccups in your move may cause your child extra stress.

For younger children, try to maintain a routine as much as possible by creating a moving day schedule, which can include their regular meal and nap times. You can also designate a safe play area for them away from the chaos while you focus on the move. The night before your moving day, pack a bag with snacks, toys, games, blankets, and any other items that will make your child comfortable and provide a feeling of security.

After You Arrive

As you start unpacking, help your child set up their room first. Allowing them to decorate and organize their space can provide a sense of normalcy in their new home.

The Trusted Movers Serving Atlanta, GA

The Bulldog Movers team understands the stress of moving—especially with kids. If you want to partner with the best moving company in Atlanta, GA, that can make your move seamless and stress-free for your entire family, we’re the top choice. Our movers have been serving Atlanta since 1982. We’re fully licensed, bonded, and insured, and you can rely on us to treat your belongings with care and keep you informed throughout the moving process. Contact us today to learn more and get a quote.